Oaxaca Artisan Weaving


It all started in Weavers Village, Oaxaca…

Fringe Hill Design is working with very talented and passionate artisan weavers in a small weaving village in Oaxaca Mexico. It is worth noting the skill, precision and dedication to ART that goes into these one of a kind pieces. These beautiful pieces are hand-woven on a loom with hand-dyed wool. All dyes are natural and come from the earth. Alicia says it best. “We are proudly presenting a high quality fiber textiles with a touch of Zapotec and Aztec prehispanic symbolism. Each of the item has an unique style that gives it a reflection and inspiration of the artisan's thought.” She said… “We work with our hands and minds to bring alive our culture. Our goal is to work in solidarity to produce and commercialize high quality textiles. We are supporting the use of eco-systems to produce our natural dyes. The sources we use to dye our fibers come from nature. For example, red dye comes from chonineal (scale insect fed on cactus). Mustard or yellow dye comes from a wild plant called "pericon". Blue dye comes from indigo plant. Green dye comes from a type of moss. Using these natural resources give us a great satisfaction that we are not harming our environment. We truly believe that "What comes from the nature does not harm the nature".
These beautiful pieces are co-designed by Fringe Hill and these very talented artisans. Once the process is finished, they are shipped to Austin Texas, where we sprinkle more love. Final destination, YOU!!

Kimberly travels with her family to Mexico every couple months, meeting with artisans all over the country. The mountain villages of Oaxaca are rich with heritage and beauty. It is an honor to collaborate and learn with their art. Each bag is designed and created with a lot of love!